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Accident Investigation Looks Into Fatal Motorcycle Crash In Mt

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: April 22, 2016

Throughout Montana, motorcycles are a frequent sight on the roadways. While the majority of drivers of conventional vehicles and motorcyclists will generally share the road safely, there is a constant threat of a crash causing severe injuries and fatalities. Any car accident can cause damage, but when there is a motorcycle accident, the rider and any passenger that might also be on the motorcycle is in serious jeopardy due to the inherent vulnerability of the motorcyclist. Those who are injured or the families who have lost a loved one need to know how to seek compensation after a motorcycle crash.

An accident between a motorcycle and a pickup truck resulted in a man dying and a woman suffering injuries. The accident occurred at approximately 7:30 p.m. as the motorcyclist hit a Chevrolet truck. According to the accident investigation, the Chevy was trying to cross the lanes of the roadway from the south when the motorcycle, heading east, crashed into it. The motorcyclist tried to stop, but hit the truck. The 60-year-old man who was operating the motorcycle was declared dead at the site of the crash. His 35-year-old female passenger was transported to the hospital by airlift.

With any car collision, whether it has to do with another car, a truck, a motorcycle or a pedestrian, there will be the chance of a person needing rehabilitation and long-term care. This can result in massive costs. If there is a fatality, there will be other expenses and aftereffects. Funeral costs as well as the emotional and practical concerns will all come to the forefront. It is important in these situations for the families to protect themselves by considering a legal filing.

In this accident, a motorcycle crashed into a truck. Considering the circumstances of this crash, the families of the man who died and the woman who was injured must make sure that they understand the cause of the crash and act accordingly. Whether it was due to a negligent driver or because of other circumstances, speaking to a legal professional is the first step to pursuing compensation through a lawsuit.

Source:, “Anaconda man dies in motorcycle crash” Brooke Boone, April 10, 2016

Colton Holm

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