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Fewer car accidents last month in Montana

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: February 17, 2020

The Montana Department of Transportation recently published new information that travelers across the state will be glad to hear. There was reportedly a significant decrease in car accidents throughout the state in January. In fact, there were more than 30% fewer fatalities in that month in 2020 than occurred in the same month of the previous year.

There were seven collision-related deaths in Montana in January of this year. At least one of the collisions was alcohol-related. A woman who had been traveling with her 2-year-old daughter in the back seat said she was also the victim of a drunk driver, but thankfully, both she and her child survived the crash although her daughter suffered injuries.

The woman said she was driving along when she noticed another vehicle swerving. There was nothing she could do to avoid the crash, because the other vehicle veered into her lane and hit her head-on. The other motorist was later arrested for suspected drunk driving.

The woman said it is not the first time she was hit by a possible drunk driver. Her story is evidence that although there may have been fewer car accidents in Montana last month than in previous years, there is still a great risk for injury when people make poor choices and drive after consuming alcohol. Distracted driving and other issues often place travelers in danger as well. An experienced personal injury attorney can assist recovering accident victims who wish to pursue claims for monetary damages against those who who appear to have been negligent or reckless.

Colton Holm

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