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Fighting For Montana Victims Of Medical Malpractice

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: January 14, 2015

Doctors, nurses and other medical professionals have a legal duty to provide a level of care consistent with the standard provided by competent practitioners in their field. When they fail to do so, a worsened medical condition or even death can be the result. Our Eastern Montana law firm can help victims of medical malpractice and their families recover the compensation they need to get their lives back together.

Medical malpractice can take many forms. In some cases a failure to diagnose cancer or another illness in time can lead to a preventable worsening of the condition. An anesthesia error can cause a patient to suffer brain damage or other serious injury. Although hospitals have procedures in place to prevent wrong-site surgery incidents, they still occur and the results can be tragic. Birth injuries can result in life-long complications.

Victims of medical malpractice have the right to bring a lawsuit against the medical professionals and the institutions that caused them injury. Damages can be sought for medical expenses, lost income, scarring, disfigurement, pain and suffering and other losses. In cases involving fatal medical error, the victim’s family can bring a wrongful death lawsuit and seek compensation for their loss.

Our law firm has the experience and know-how to take on doctors, hospitals and their insurance companies. We will fight for the rights of medical negligence victims. We also represent clients in cases arising out of group home injury and nursing home injury. If you would like more information about our medical negligence practice, feel free to visit our medical malpractice web page.

Colton Holm

At Colton Holm Law Firm, we look forward to learning
how we can help you resolve your legal concern.
Call us today: (406) 259-9986