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Head-on Collision Near Great Falls Results In Injury

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: October 17, 2013

A head-on collision often results in serious injury or death for those involved. But four people involved in a head-on crash just outside Great Falls recently were lucky: only one of them had to be taken to the hospital, and that personal injuries were reported to be minor.

The car accident occurred at about 11:15 in the morning on Interstate 15. According to the Montana Highway Patrol, the driver of a black automobile traveling north on the highway with two passengers failed to pay attention and hit the rumble strips on the right shoulder. The driver overcorrected, which caused the car to cross the centerline of the road. The distracted driver collided with an SUV in the opposite lane.

Emergency personnel, assisted by crews from the Montana Air National Guard, had to work to extricate at least one person from the wreckage. The driver of the SUV was the one taken to the hospital with supposedly minor injuries. The driver whose distraction allegedly caused the accident received a citation for careless driving.

Although the injuries to the SUV driver were reported to be minor, in many auto accident cases it is impossible to know right away whether an even minor injury will heal completely. Due to the nature of car accidents, many injuries occur to the soft tissue connecting muscle with bone, especially in the neck and back. It is very common for these types of injuries to worsen over time, and in many cases the victim never makes a complete recovery. Anyone sustaining even an apparently minor injury in an automobile accident would be wise to have the injury evaluated by a physician as soon as possible, in order to maximize the chances for a full recovery.

Source:, “1 person injured in crash on I-15,” DaVonte McKenith, Oct. 14, 2013

Colton Holm

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