When you visit a Montana physician’s office or go to a hospital, either seeking medical diagnosis or treatment, a series of events typically unfolds that involves a team of licensed professionals. You may interact with numerous staff members, from a front desk receptionist to nurses, doctors or even lab technicians. In each instance, you have the right to reasonably expect that the health care provider will act in accordance with state laws and accepted safety standards of the industry. Sadly, medical negligence often causes personal injury to patients.
If you are not feeling well, it is logical to assume that you will trust a doctor to help you figure out what might be the underlying cause. A licensed physician who cannot determine what the problem is but recognizes that there is one should refer you to a specialist or other doctor for further examination. There is no room for guesswork when a person’s health is on the line.
What if you inform your doctor of your symptoms and he or she disregards the information; then, your condition later worsens and you wind up in the hospital or declining in health to a point that chances of recovery are slim? Misdiagnosis can have serious repercussions, such as someone progressing to a later stage of cancer who might have been able to receive helpful treatment earlier if his or her doctor had properly diagnosed the condition. If you believe your doctor isn’t doing all that should be done or you think he or she is making a mistake, you can request a second opinion or take other steps to get the answers you need.
Medical negligence often includes issues such as medication errors, surgical mistakes, lack of testing needed for proper diagnosis and poor communication between medical team members. Any or all of these and other issues can cause serious, even fatal injuries to a Montana medical patient. If you have suffered illness or injury and believe you have grounds for filing a medical malpractice claim, you may request a meeting at Edmiston & Colton Law Firm to discuss your case and obtain support to determine a best course of action.