In 2020, fewer Montana motorists took to the state’s roads than they did the year prior. While you might think this means fewer crashes occurred, new statistics show that the opposite is true.
According to KTVH, the number of deaths resulting from crashes that occurred between January of 2020 and Dec. 28 of 2020 increased 12% from the same period the year prior. In 2020, a total of 207 traffic deaths occurred within this span, while in 2019, 183 such deaths occurred.
Many of 2020’s fatal Montana car crashes shared similar characteristics in common. Speed was a significant factor in many such wrecks. The number of speed-related crashes on Montana’s roads increased by 23% between 2019 and 2020.
Crashes that resulted from motorists abusing alcohol or drugs behind the wheel also increased across the state last year. The number of alcohol-involved crashes increased by 32%, while the number of crashes involving drivers under the influence of drugs increased by 17%.
Crash statistics from 2020 also show that many Montana motorists are not wearing their seat belts. Drivers and passengers failed to wear seat belts in 71 of 2020’s fatal crashes, which is a 40% increase over the year prior. When drivers and passengers fail to wear seat belts and other risk factors are present, such as speed or alcohol, the chances of a fatal wreck increase.
Crash statistics from 2020 also indicate that you are more likely to find yourself involved in a deadly Montana crash when you are traveling along interstates or driving in more rural areas.