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One Killed And One Injured In A Head-on Crash In Montana

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: March 30, 2017

Automobiles hold an important role in America, but they are also the culprit for many risks, dangers and catastrophes across the nation. Although many efforts are made to prevent and reduce negligent, reckless and intoxicated driving, these are the common causes of car accidents.

According to recent reports, a fatal car crash occurred west of Libby. Based on reports by the Montana authorities, the accident happened when a 26-year-old man collided head-on with another vehicle. Police believe the head-on collision occurred when the driver’s vehicle crossed the centerline of the road, striking another vehicle.

When authorities arrived at the scene of the accident, the 45-year-old driving the other vehicle was reportedly dead. Her 7-year-old son was also in the vehicle at the time of the accident. He suffered injuries in the crash, but these were reported to be non-life threatening.

The 26-year-old man who crossed the centerline was placed under arrest. He currently faces charges for negligent homicide, vehicular homicide while under the influence and possession of dangerous drugs. The investigation is still ongoing, and authorities are still waiting on the results of a drug test to determine whether or not he was under the influence of drugs at the time of the crash.

Following a serious collision that includes fatalities and serious injuries, it is important to understand what rights are afforded to victims and the loved ones of the deceased. A wrongful death lawsuit or a personal injury lawsuit could help hold a negligent driver liable for the accident and assist with the recovery of compensation for losses and damages arising from the incident.

Source:, “Libby man charged after fatal crash,” March 16, 2017

Colton Holm

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