Whether you were recently involved in an alcohol-related traffic accident or you regularly drive and are worried about the risk of a DUI crash, it is important to understand the scope of this problem in the state of Montana. Every year, many lives are lost due to drunk drivers across Montana and even more people are injured in these collisions. As a result, the state has implemented changes to the law in order to reduce the prevalence of drunk driving through its 24/7 Sobriety Program.
Sadly, drunk drivers do not pay heed to the consequences of operating a vehicle while intoxicated, even though they face harsh penalties and the risk of a devastating collision.
According to the Montana Department of Justice, the 24/7 Sobriety Program aims to curb drunk driving by requiring those who are charged with drunk driving who have a previous DUI on their record to take alcohol breathalyzer tests two times each day or wear a bracelet that monitors alcohol consumption. In order to secure release from jail, this program is necessary for some people charged with driving drunk and helps ensure that drunk drivers stay sober.
In Montana, 29 counties participate in this program and a number of other states have taken these measures as well. Drunk driving is a serious problem in Montana and during 2008, the state ranked higher than any other state. Although this program helps reduce the prevalence of drunk driving, this remains a very concerning problem.