There are some injuries that can gravely impact the lives of accident victims. When an individual suffers from a head trauma, this could greatly disrupt the person’s cognitive, behavior, emotional and physical functions. Additionally, it could harm the victim’s overall health and well-being. A sudden accident, such as an automobile collision, could have many unexpected consequences; therefore, accident victims in Montana and elsewhere should understand the affects a traumatic brain injury or a TBI could have on their life.
A TBI is caused by a bump, blow or jolt to the head or an object penetrating the head A TBI disrupts the normal functions of the brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, TBIs were accountable for roughly 2.5 million emergency department visits, hospitalizations and deaths in the United States in 2010.
A traumatic brain injury can range from mild to moderate to severe, and depending on its classification, a TBI could seriously disrupt the victim’s quality of life. Many sufferers of moderate and severe TBIs deal with persistent symptoms, resulting in partial or permanent disabilities. This greatly affects the victim’s interpersonal skills, social functioning and occupational abilities. Such a situation could cause the victim’s inability to work, resulting in additional economic damages.
There can be many negative impacts on victims and their family members. The recovery, rehabilitation and treatment process can be lengthy and costly. Because of that, if a victim suffered a head trauma in a serious accident caused by a negligent party, he or she could seek to hold that party responsible for the damages and losses caused by the incident.