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The Roads Can Be Dangerous For Bicyclists

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: June 29, 2017

Traveling the beautiful roads of the state of Montana is enjoyable from any vantage point, but cruising along on a bicycle is a unique experience that gets you up close with the wildlife and city sights. While enjoyable, this mode of travel can also be very dangerous. Bike paths may keep you separated, but most routes will require you to share the road with passenger vehicles for at least part of your journey. We at the Law Firm of Edmiston and Colton understand these dangers and are here to protect your rights if you are injured in an accident. states that 29 percent of those who are injured while riding a bicycle are hit by a car. In just over one-third of these crashes, the blood alcohol concentration of either the driver or the cyclist was over the legal limit. This statistic illustrates the dangers that are possible when bicyclists and bigger vehicles share the road.

the number of bicyclists who are killed each year is rising. In 2006, there were 772 deaths suffered by those riding bikes across the United States. After almost a decade, researchers found that 818 bicyclists were killed in the year 2015. Injuries also increased, although not as drastically. The number of bicyclist injured jumped from 44,000 in 2006 to 45,000 in 2015.

Researchers also found that 88 percent of bicyclist fatalities are male and the average age of those killed is 45 years old. For more information on this topic, please visit our web page.

Colton Holm

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