How Long After My Car Wreck Do I Have To File A Car Accident Personal Injury Claim In Montana?
In Montana personal injury claim cases, you have three years to file a claim. So, you have three years to file a claim for a car accident.
I Was Partly At Fault For My Car Accident In Montana. Can I Still File For A Personal Injury Claim For My Injuries?
You can still file a personal injury claim in Montana if you are partially at fault for an accident, but only as long as you were not more than 50% at fault for the accident.
Do I Take Full Responsibility For An Accident That Was Partially My Fault? How Does This Work?
In Montana, determining who is at fault for an accident is done on a percentage basis. So, to not be at fault for the accident, you can’t be found to be more than 50% at fault. So, as long as you’re not more than 50% at fault, you are not fully responsible for the accident.
Do I Have Any Chance Of Recovering For My Injuries In A Personal Injury Claim In Montana If The Other Driver Was Uninsured?
Even if the other driver wasn’t insured, you could still recover for your personal injury claim in Montana. Other insurance coverage may be available such as uninsured motorist coverage. Sometimes, even though people drive without insurance, they can have adequate assets where you can go after them directly.
What Information Does My Car Accident Attorney Need To Determine If My Personal Injury Case Is Viable?
Your auto accident attorney will need certain information to start a claim on your behalf. Your lawyer will need a copy of any investigation done by law enforcement, whether the local police department, sheriff’s department, or highway patrol. They will also need all the medical records and bills since the wreck, along with any information about workdays missed and wage information.
What Information Or Evidence At The Scene Of Car Accident Is Important For An Injured Person To Gather?
Get the other driver’s name and insurance information if you’ve been in a car accident. You also will need the names and contact information of any witnesses and all the information that law enforcement authorities have gathered. You should also take photos of the scene.
If folks aren’t transported off by ambulance, it’s good to take pictures of the vehicles involved in the wreck. Take photos of the area, the land, or the street, and any traffic signals or traffic control signs.
At What Point Should I Hire A Billings, Montana Personal Injury Attorney For My Auto Accident Case?
You should hire a personal injury attorney before the insured denies a claim or offers a settlement. The reason is that from the minute their insurance company is aware of the claim, they’re investigating to figure out ways to either deny the claim or lower the settlement value.
Insurance companies often use investigators to develop evidence to blame the party that’s not at fault and the most injured. Likewise, they’ll often hire investigators to follow you if they think there’s significant exposure to their insurance proceeds.
Insurance companies will also assign an investigator to follow you around to show that you’re not hurt. That can compromise a claim very quickly, but if you hire counsel, your lawyer can stop much of that.
With the guidance of a skilled attorney for Auto Accident Cases In Montana, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing that we’ll make it look easy.
For more information on Filing An Auto-Accident Injury Claim In Montana, a free initial consultation is your next step. Get the information and legal answers you seek by calling our office at (406) 259-9986.
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