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Billings Police Identify Intersections With Most Accidents

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: October 22, 2014

Traffic in Billings can be heavy, and heavy traffic increases the risk of car accidents. Recently Billings police identified the intersections in town where a significant number of motor vehicle accidents occur. According to police the most accident-prone intersection is in the Heights, where Main Street crosses Lake Elmo Drive.

Other locations that see a lot of wrecks include 24th Street West at the intersections of King Avenue West and Central Avenue, and Shiloh Road at the intersections of King Avenue West and Grand Avenue. A spokesperson for the police department says accidents occur most frequently on Fridays around 5 p.m.

There appears to be a connection between traffic loads and the number of accidents. King Avenue West, for example, has almost 30,000 cars driving on it daily. To deal with the traffic, the city has a 20-year plan for Shiloh Road which includes roundabouts to make the traffic flow more smoothly. The city is also improving the coordination between traffic lights in order to reduce congestion.

While busy roads certainly play a part in auto accidents, negligence on the part of drivers is also a substantial factor. A driver is negligent when he or she fails to exercise the level of care of a reasonable person in the circumstances. When a negligent driver causes an accident, those who are injured have the right to sue that driver for compensation.

An injured car accident victim can seek damages for medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering. The negligent driver’s insurance company is obligated to pay all damages up to the coverage limits of the policy.

Source:, “Billings Has Busy Roads,” Katie Chen, Oct. 7, 2014

Colton Holm

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