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Getting All The Facts In A Truck Accident Investigation

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: March 2, 2018

If you ever find yourself the victim of a trucking accident in Montana, chances are that your injuries would only be the first of many challenges. Truckers are rarely sole proprietors from whom you might seek reasonable compensation for your injuries. Your opponent in suit would instead often be a sprawling trucking company backed by major insurance interests, significant independent financial resources and experienced legal firms. This is why we make it standard procedure at the Law Firm of Edmiston & Colton to use our network of trucking professionals to each of our client’s maximum advantage.

Fortunately for our clients, facts and diligence matter in truck accident cases. For each piece of evidence, we engage someone with a scientific, medical or engineering perspective— whichever is most relevant to the article at hand— to assist in analyzing any supporting information we intend to submit to support our client’s case.

For example, take this article from the Journal of Noise & Health: If you were to briefly examine the findings, you might conclude that sleeping in noisy traffic situations has little impact on truck driver fatigue. However, a scientist might point you towards the fact that the relatively small sample size and the heavily controlled limits of the study suggest that real-world conditions could amplify the small increases in fatigue found in the study.

If you are the victim of a truck accident, then it is possible that there is a whole organization at fault for your injuries. That is why we believe it is only fair that we bring our whole network of professionals to court: To counter these trucking companies’ resources. Please continue to read more at our main page.

Colton Holm

At Colton Holm Law Firm, we look forward to learning
how we can help you resolve your legal concern.
Call us today: (406) 259-9986