While Montana residents may not have to deal with the extremely hectic and congested roadways for their daily commute like so many metropolitan areas around the nation, that does not mean its residents are devoid of feeling the pressures of their jobs. For many people, this includes the need to be available to their employers and colleagues at almost any time and in any place – including in their vehicles. The desire to stay on top of work may well be leading some drivers to engage in distracted driving when they would or should otherwise be focused on safely operating their vehicles.
As reported by USA Today, nine people are said to be killed every day across the United States in distracted driving accidents. Over the course of a year, that means the nation loses 3,500 human lives in crashes that are completely preventable. Some of the things drivers do that they should not include texting, taking pictures with their phones, perusing and posting on social media, watching videos and streaming other shows.
A study conducted by The Zebra, a company that provides automobile insurance quotation comparisons, found that drivers between the ages of 18 and 34 have the highest level of compulsion to respond to messages when behind the wheel. Among this age group, 37% of respondents indicated they find it difficult to avoid checking or replying to messages when driving. For drivers younger than 18 and older than 34, one in four people reported that they felt compelled to reply to messages when driving.
Employers may be able to help this trend by reminding their employees that messages and phone calls can wait until they safely reach their destinations.