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New Year’s Eve Means Drunk Drivers Are On The Roads

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: December 29, 2016

With all the fun and festivities that comes along with New Year’s Eve, there are, unfortunately, some dangers as well. As our readers might expect, every New Year’s Eve comes with a substantial increase in accidents, many of which involve drunk drivers.

It’s already winter and snow, sleet and ice are not uncommon on the roads in and near Billings, Montana. Add to it the countless parties and celebrations we enjoy and the alcoholic beverages that often come with the parties, and we have a dangerous and possibly deadly combination. While we all know that alcohol limits a person’s motor skills and reaction times, it’s often overlooked that someone who has been drinking also has mental limitations, including the ability to use sound judgement. This may give some people the belief that they are able to drive, or to even give permission to someone else who has been drinking that they are also sober enough to drive, when often that is far from the case.

Montana state and local police make efforts to address drunk driving by warning drivers and setting up checkpoints throughout the New Years holiday, but that sometimes is not enough. Accidents do happen, and it is not uncommon for them to be associated with a negligent or drunk driver.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of a car accident caused by negligence, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. In addition to medical expenses and rehabilitation and therapy costs, you may also receive compensation for lost wages, as well as payments for the pain and suffering you have endured.

Source:, “DUI Offense Basics,” Accessed Dec. 27, 2016

Colton Holm

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