We Defend Oil Field Workers
Navigating A Dangerous Workplace
Have you or a loved one been injured in an oil field accident? Oil drilling platforms and similar oil industry workplaces can be extremely dangerous. Even a seemingly minor safety lapse can lead to a serious accident and injury. Workers may fall off oil platforms. They may be struck by a piece of falling equipment at a drilling site. They may slip and fall on an object left on a platform or walkway. These injured workers have more options than they may know.
Long-Lasting Injuries
Many victims of oil field accidents suffer from long-term effects of their injuries. This can involve long term hospital stays, extensive rehabilitation and long term absence from family while they recuperate. An experienced oil field injury lawyer or oil field accident attorney can help the victim by securing awards and settlements to assist in covering extensive medical bills, helping families cope with mounting bills and avoid missing important payments.
At Colton Holm Law Firm, we have the resources necessary to get results in these complex and challenging personal injury cases. Our team includes strong lawyers and experienced staff, as well as a network of experts, to ensure we have all of the necessary facts at our disposal in the oil industry-related accident case. Our opponents have the financial resources to defend themselves, but we have the financial resources to fight back and maximize compensation.
Since our law firm’s foundation in 1987, our personal injury lawyers have recovered tens of millions of dollars for victims of negligence in Billings and throughout Montana.
Workers’ Compensation Is Not The Only Remedy For Injured Oil Workers
People often believe that workers’ compensation is the only remedy that work injury victims, including injured oil field workers, can seek. This is not true. At drilling sites and elsewhere, there are often a variety of crews at work, each under a different employer. When an accident is caused by someone other than the victim’s employer, the victim may be able to pursue a personal injury claim in addition to the workers’ comp claim. This opens up more doors to ensure that compensation covers medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages and other damages.
Contact Our Drilling Rig Injury Attorneys For A Free Consultation
Our oil field accident attorneys provide representation on a contingent-fee basis, meaning we advance all costs of litigation and a fee is charged only when there is a recovery. Contact our Billings personal injury law firm by calling (406) 259-9986 or using our online contact form.
Call Now For A Free Consultation(406) 259-9986