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Protecting Your Rights In Montana’s Workers’ Compensation System

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: September 7, 2016

An on-the-job injury can leave you feeling stunned and disoriented. As the reality of the injury sinks in, you may start to get worried and ask questions. Will this be covered by workers’ comp? What doctor can I see? Who will pay the medical bills? And finally, how am I going to pay my bills and support my family while I’m out of work?

These are all questions that can be answered by the attorneys at the Billings law firm of Edmiston and Colston. For almost 30 years – since our firm was founded in 1987 – we have been proud to represent Montana workers who have been injured on the job.

In any workers’ compensation case it is critical to report the injury to the employer and fill out a First Report of Injury form as soon as possible. Once the claim is approved the injured worker is entitled to medical and wage loss benefits.

Wage loss benefits pay the injured worker a portion of the wage they were earning before the accident. Medical expenses are paid in full, as long as the insurance company agrees the treatment is within the guidelines of the workers’ compensation system. Prescription drug costs should also be paid by workers’ comp.

In serious injury cases, if the treating doctor certifies the worker has attained Maximum Medical Improvement but still has a disability from the injury, additional benefits can be recovered. These include Permanent Partial Disability benefits for those who are able to do some work, and Permanent Total Disability benefits for those who can no longer work at all.

Unfortunately, when a serious injury is involved, employers and insurance companies have a strong incentive to cut off benefits as soon as possible. It often takes a knowledgeable and experienced attorney to help make sure an injured worker gets the compensation they need and are entitled to under the law.

Colton Holm

At Colton Holm Law Firm, we look forward to learning
how we can help you resolve your legal concern.
Call us today: (406) 259-9986