Finding The Courage You Need
It Can Be Difficult To Sue A Medical Professional
Nobody relishes filing a lawsuit against a medical provider. Getting a lawyer for an adverse medical result isn’t easy. We entrust that our doctors have our best interests in mind when we undergo treatment or surgery. Even if you suffer a medical injury, it can be easier to assume what happened was the result of an honest mistake rather than gross negligence. It can feel like it goes against human nature to file a lawsuit against the person or medical establishment that was technically trying to heal you. But sometimes, the injury is so great and/or the negligence so clear that filing a medical malpractice lawsuit may be the only way to secure the compensation needed to recover.
Sometimes There’s Little Choice
Sometimes medical negligence can have such significant consequences that you don’t have much chance of securing the resources you need without filing a lawsuit. If a medical professional failed to make a timely and correct diagnosis of cancer, for example, a person who might have survived with treatment may instead have progressed too far, and have a severely shortened lifespan as a result. A medical error in the delivery room can mean a child who otherwise would have been healthy faces lifelong brain damage and all the expenses that come with it. In other words, don’t let politeness leave you holding the bill for something that wasn’t your fault.
You Have Nothing To Lose With A Free Initial Consultation. Call A Lawyer Today
Wondering if what you experienced constitutes medical malpractice? Take advantage of your free initial consultation with a Montana attorney to find out what you need to know about your rights and what your options are for next steps. Schedule your appointment with Colton Holm Law Firm at our Billings office today by calling (406) 259-9986. You can also use our online form to write to us.
Call Now For A Free Consultation(406) 259-9986