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When Is A Driver Liable For A Bicycle Accident?

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: April 7, 2020

Bicycle accidents can result in serious harm and traumatic injuries to victims. It is important for bicycle accident victims to know when a negligent driver may be liable for the injuries and damages they have suffered.

Bicycle riders can be particularly vulnerable to negligent drivers on the roadways. Driver negligence can include speeding, failing to stop at a stop sign, drifting into the bicycle’s lane of travel, driving while under the influence or distracted driving. It is important that drivers of passenger vehicles remain alert and attentive to bicyclists to help keep them safe on the roadway. When they do not, they may be liable to compensate injured victims for the damages suffered through a personal injury claim for damages.

Negligent drivers who cause a bicycle accident may be responsible for the injured victim’s medical expenses, lost wages while they recover and pain and suffering damages. It is not uncommon for bicycle accident victims to suffer physical, financial and emotional damages that result from a bicycle accident. In Montana, provided the bicycle rider is not more negligently than the driver in causing the accident, they may be able to recover compensation for their damages. In addition, special rules may apply to child bicyclists.

Whenever bicyclists are out on the roadways, it is important that driver exercise due care for the safety of those they share the roadways with including bicycle riders out enjoying the scenery or time with children. The legal process provides important protections when a bicyclist has been harmed which are important legal resources and remedies that bicycle riders and their families should be familiar with.

Colton Holm

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