Before 2019 ends, many Montana residents will find themselves in need of medical care. Many situations will be categorized as emergencies. Others will be a lot less urgent. Either way, every patient has a right to expect the highest quality care, and certainly should not have to worry about medical negligence.
An act of negligence that results in patient injury or illness is a medical event that should never occur, but often does. Perhaps you’re seeking a diagnosis for adverse health symptoms, undergoing surgery or having tests done to rule out a particular condition or to search for an underlying cause of developing symptoms. You should not have to worry that a licensed care provider might disregard state law or hospital regulations.
If you’re having surgery that requires anesthesia, you are not able to keep your eye on things in the operating room. A surgical error or other mishap can have disastrous consequences. In the past, patients have awoken from surgery to learn that their surgeons operated on the wrong body part or performed a procedure that was meant for another patient.
Not only can you protect your rights, you can seek financial accountability against those deemed responsible for your injuries if a medical negligence incident occurs. In such cases, you may act as a plaintiff to pursue recovery of monetary damages. As a plaintiff, you’d be tasked with providing evidence in court that shows that the defendant or defendants named in your claim have caused you injury through negligence. Edmiston & Colton Law Firm, in Montana, is committed to helping you accomplish your goals.