There seems to be a lot of advertising for people to fill truck driving jobs in Montana. While these jobs usually offer stability and good pay, they are also among the most dangerous in the country. According to Truck Driving Jobs, truck drivers have the most number of fatalities of any job. Most accidents happen in summer, which suggests driving conditions are not as much to blame as traffic conditions.
With a 21 percent job growth expected through 2020, you may very well find yourself looking towards taking a truck driving job. Just be aware of the risks. For example, in 2011, job fatalities increased by five percent. When compared to all jobs, one in four fatal accidents is a truck driver.
Fatal accidents are not the only concern. Injuries are just as prevalent. In fact, studies have shown that a truck driver may be 233 percent more likely to be injured on the job than workers in other professions. Many injuries are back related, but also include falls or being struck by something.
If you are thinking about getting a truck driving job, you should be aware that most injuries occur in a warehouse setting or when you will load and unload your own truck. These areas provide more exposure to risky situations. Of course, being on the road also exposes you to accident situations. This means that you could be seriously injured or die in a crash, especially if it is a rollover accident. This information is for education and is not legal advice.