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Truck Accidents: Financial Recovery Is Often Possible

  • On Behalf Of Colton Holm
  • Published: December 29, 2019

If you’re traveling on a Montana highway, it pays to be as cautious and alert as possible, especially when you’re sharing the road with a lot of other vehicles. All drivers are legally obligated to adhere to all traffic laws and safety regulations. The problem is that you have no guarantee that every other nearby motorist is going to comply. Car or truck accidents often occur suddenly, leaving little to no time to safely react to avoid collision.

Some drivers are reckless. Others get distracted at the wheel, perhaps while adjusting radio knobs or using cellphones which take their focus off the task at hand. Truck drivers, in particular, are often fatigued after spending many consecutive hours on the road without rest. News headlines often include mention of 18-wheeler accidents, many of which result in fatalities.

If you survive a collision involving a big rig, you are likely to have suffered severe, perhaps life-threatening injuries. The weeks and months that follow the incident may be filled with physical pain and lingering emotional trauma. It is also not uncommon to suffer financial losses after a collision that landed you in the hospital.

The Montana civil justice system provides recourse for many recovering victims of truck accidents and other types of collisions. If another driver’s negligence is believed to have been the cause of the accident that resulted in your injuries, you may seek compensation for damages in court. Edmiston & Colton Law Firm can help investigate and gather evidence to prepare for personal injury litigation; if you are interested in learning more about the process, you may request a free initial consultation at any time.

Colton Holm

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