If you are one of the many Montana residents who enjoys pedaling your bicycle around to get to and from places, you may be well aware that this form of transportation has its risks. However, there are certainly precautions you can take to stay safe on your bike and prevent accidents from occurring. Your attention to safety can also reduce the chance you receive a serious injury if you are involved in an accident.
The Huffington Post shared some suggestions for motorcyclists to help them stay safer on the road. However, these tips are just as valuable to you when you are riding your bike. They include the following:
- Wear proper clothing: Whenever you are planning to ride your bike, you should wear clothing that will provide a measure of protection if you hit the road. A helmet is critical to your safety and should be worn at all times. Additionally, your clothing should be reflective and bright to increase your visibility to other drivers on the road.
- Stay focused and responsible: While you may be encouraged to act cool, ride carelessly or get distracted by music or electronics, these kinds of behaviors can instantly mean disaster if you lose focus on the road.
- Be visible: Always take extra precautions to be as visible as possible to drivers. For example, wear brightly colored clothing, have reflectors on your bike and follow all traffic laws. Additionally, always utilize crosswalks, sidewalks and bike lanes wherever possible.
The information in this article is intended for educational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice.